Lost In A Small PA Town
Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.
About Me
- Name: DLaine
- Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA
Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hey Tracys Landing
Don't lurk; say something. Do you know me? Six hours is a little long to be on my wee site.
Find anything interesting that you would like to share or know? Dlaine doesn't bite (or do I?).
To all others I'll update on the doctor's findings. Rather odd. But curable. Have a good evening all.
Where is my manners...Tracys Landing thanks for visiting..really....My stat counter hit a all time high today because of you stopping by...
Find anything interesting that you would like to share or know? Dlaine doesn't bite (or do I?).
To all others I'll update on the doctor's findings. Rather odd. But curable. Have a good evening all.
Where is my manners...Tracys Landing thanks for visiting..really....My stat counter hit a all time high today because of you stopping by...
I did it all by myself...

a scarf,heavy coat and a blanket to cover my lap. What a sissy, UH? Still got cold. Didn't do to bad of a job for my second time with the blade on the tractor instead of the snow blower. ( which I think is broken, is it Lover?) Plus I did the girls too. Go ahead and click to enlarge then click again for a little bigger pic. Afterwards I needed some soup to warm me up.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
I made it to 2pm
My first half day back. I did get to work by 8am. The local roads were icy and snow covered but the major highway was wet where your tires travel. I set myself up at work with a pillow at my back and my trusty stomach pillow in front. Pod members came in around 9am and after much hugging and flowers to me( I cried) it was work as usual until I took my lunch. Pudding was all that I could handle and some small talk around the table. Lunch over with I started to sweat and shake and deep in my stomach my bowels decided to awake! Damn the little girls room is about 380 feet from where my desk is. After three near misses I decided it was time to go home. So off I went. About two miles from home I had to kick in the four-wheel drive. Mother Nature was really angry; it was a bizzard with blowing snow, low visibility (four feet ahead of you) and five inches of snow with ice underneath on the road. What a difference from the first twenty miles. (Wet roads and flurries) I did make it home safe to the arms of the Lover and all the pampering he gives me. Guess what? It starts all over again tomorrow........
It's 6:20am and I'm usually on the road to work by now. I'm lagging behind...I still hurt and have a hard time coughing. Slept rather shitty last night maybe because I knew I had to return to work today. And to make things even brighter its snowing out with high winds and some rain mixed with the white stuff. Mother nature just had to make my day. Well I best get into gear and get going...wish me luck!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It Hurts...

Friday, January 12, 2007
The Test is Over
Well, I did the stress test, which caused me more stress. I still don't know how it turned out. But the hospital called and said surgery is scheduled for 10:40am on Monday. With an 8:30 am registration. So I get two extra hours of being a nervous wreck. The Lover will be with me, and when he's here I do better. Just think I'll get pampered for a couple of days and then its back to the grind. I'm hoping the doctors will tomorrow and ease my mind of the stress test. But how many doctors do you know that will call you on a Saturday? Well thats all I got for now.
Thursday, January 11, 2007

went well; or so I thought. Doc took a biopsy and had it
sent out. Did all my pre-op: ekg, blood, x-ray. They had
some trouble with the ekg leads on my legs. So they put them
on the hips. I just couldn't relax my legs since nightly for about
three weeks I have had charlie horses (cramps). So today I get a
call from my family doctor saying he won't ok the surgery for
Monday; because of adnormal ekg! So they have me for a stress test tomorrow morning! They need to have this read by the end of the day in order for me to have my gallbladder out. Which is hurting me like hell right now! I hate test..paper or otherwise; always did and always will. Keep your fingers crossed that I pass this one!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
You call this a new year?
Looks like the New Year is going to be pretty much the same as last. My lovely gallbladder has decided that its time to come out. Now! This whole week has had me in horrendous pain. So my surgeon has upped my surgery to 1/15 not 1/29. He's so booked thats he made consessions to get me in on the 15th. Only possible way of any early is to being running a high end fever! Then its considered an emergency. I'm just so lucky; aren't I.
The lover stayed an extra week; he had came down with bad case of the common cold. So he was miserable right along with me. What a pair we made. I still went to work everyday; waves of pain would hit me; but I dealt with it. Gray was the color of the week.
I took the lover to catch his bus back north this morning at 6:30am; went to the local Wally's mart and then came home. Had plans to go to work for 4 hours, for some overtime; but as a woman with a mind of her own she (I) had a great need for some extra shut eye. Work again tomorrow and then the scope down the throat and all the pre-op for surgery will be done while I'm there on Tuesday, then again back to work. With taking three days off next week I can't afford any more days off.
Good thoughts to everyone out there...you all must be having a better time than I.
The lover stayed an extra week; he had came down with bad case of the common cold. So he was miserable right along with me. What a pair we made. I still went to work everyday; waves of pain would hit me; but I dealt with it. Gray was the color of the week.
I took the lover to catch his bus back north this morning at 6:30am; went to the local Wally's mart and then came home. Had plans to go to work for 4 hours, for some overtime; but as a woman with a mind of her own she (I) had a great need for some extra shut eye. Work again tomorrow and then the scope down the throat and all the pre-op for surgery will be done while I'm there on Tuesday, then again back to work. With taking three days off next week I can't afford any more days off.
Good thoughts to everyone out there...you all must be having a better time than I.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Its official! The Holidays are over and New Years Day is almost over. Christmas pasted uneventful, the day spent alone....work on Tuesday came too soon. I kind of enjoyed the quiet up to a point. My children have their own lives and I'm not one to intrude. The lover did however call a couple of times and my dad did also.He spent the day with the middle brother; a first for him and I also.
So no memories were made this year; no big dinner or a call from the kiddies. Aren't you all feeling alittle sorry for me? Please don't I made my bed and I have to live with it! Good or bad this is life.
Not much of one; but I'm still here on New Years. Took down all the trees and still left some snow-people up just incase we get some of the white stuff. Hey! It 49 degrees on Jan. 1st,2007 what more can you say about the weather? I'm hoping Cyndy in Denver, Co. is AOK? Tried calling last night but I got your cell. Hint here is: give me a call to let me know how things are.
Well it back to work tomorrow and I think the lover is staying another day. He came in late Wednesday; at least we spent New Years together. We both were in bed early; he fast asleep and I listening to the town shoot up the sky at midnight! Someone had firecrackers and I could hear fireworks. Some how the year has to better than last year, or maybe I'll be in the shit but just a different day thing; who knows? Here hoping you all live up to your resolutions; I didn't make any so its all up to you. Happy New Year All!
So no memories were made this year; no big dinner or a call from the kiddies. Aren't you all feeling alittle sorry for me? Please don't I made my bed and I have to live with it! Good or bad this is life.
Not much of one; but I'm still here on New Years. Took down all the trees and still left some snow-people up just incase we get some of the white stuff. Hey! It 49 degrees on Jan. 1st,2007 what more can you say about the weather? I'm hoping Cyndy in Denver, Co. is AOK? Tried calling last night but I got your cell. Hint here is: give me a call to let me know how things are.
Well it back to work tomorrow and I think the lover is staying another day. He came in late Wednesday; at least we spent New Years together. We both were in bed early; he fast asleep and I listening to the town shoot up the sky at midnight! Someone had firecrackers and I could hear fireworks. Some how the year has to better than last year, or maybe I'll be in the shit but just a different day thing; who knows? Here hoping you all live up to your resolutions; I didn't make any so its all up to you. Happy New Year All!