Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Four for breakfast this morning. Two adult females and two fawns. There goes me making apple pies; again. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Another week gone by...

Where did the week go? I had Monday off; got the yearly inspection on the truck (it passed and thank god for that!) I also had a yearly check-up or better yet a get Dlaine back to working condition visit. Have to have multi tests run: full blood work-up, boobs compressed, ultra sound and thingee up the butt. I waited three weeks for this appointment and now I have to wait until October to see the other doc. Can't believe the wait is so long...by the time I see him the hot flashes may be keeping me warm for Fall and Winter and I might want to keep them. I guess my problems aren't considered life threating to them, but just ask my dad. I'm beginning to get really snappy and moody.
Had today off; I had high hopes to get something done; but the storm last night along with the sweats, leg cramps, little sleep left me with a major headache. So nothing got done, but the couch and I got to be real buddies. This week I'm looking forward to a visit from the Canadian. Yea!! I sure could use a hug. Bye all, I need some caffine.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Is everyone sick of my deer pictures yet? Too bad, I like watching the deer. Posted by Picasa

While sitting on the back porch enjoying the breezy evening the buck and two fawns came for a visit. Enlarge then enlarge again.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The lover is up the ladder; trimming the apple tree so we can see from the kitchen window. Posted by Picasa

Hummingbird coming in for nectar around 8pm this evening. Click to enlarge. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 11, 2006

The dog looks abit happy... Posted by Picasa

It's ok; you can laugh....;) Posted by Picasa

This buck visits the apple tree daily, if you enlarge the pic you can see the growth on his left hinney. He also has one on his left front leg. What they are is anybody guess. They look like big tumors. He's still in velvet, he should be starting to rub it off soon. Posted by Picasa

He just loves the apples. Posted by Picasa

Camp Stories...just for you C

What do you get when you put four adult women, one man and a twenty-one year old together? You get lots of laughter and two women smashed, two happy, one sober man and a 21 year old that can drink everyone under the table. Being with friends and letting loose alittle was worth the headache in the morning. I have to admit that it felt good, I haven't gotten that tanked in years...we were remembering our younger days when booze parties were held on old strip job sights, how we scattered when an unknown car was approaching, and how some got poison ivy from laying in the bushes. Not I!! How we tried to water ski in the middle of night after a few too many and I'll admit to being in on this one. Still to this day; I can't water ski. You all have to remember thirty years or so ago things were different. Back then we had no worries, we were carefree and sometimes very stupid. Times have changed; we still get stupid sometime, we've made it to our fifties and we can be thankful for all the old memories; plus making new ones for the years ahead.

A fish out of water...just down the road from camp. I didn't hang around for the splash. Posted by Picasa

The Last Resort Camp...quite cozy...had all the comforts of home. Thanks again Wendy,Bill, Cyndy and others for a great time. Posted by Picasa

Is there anything better than roasting marshmellows over a campfire? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I'm Totally Turtleless.....

The last three just before we released them. More pictures later; remember the Lover is here until Tuesday morning; then I'll be totally alone again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

In less than 24 hours....

the lover will be here for visitMEtation rights. Hell its been six weeks since I've seen him. I'm so excited. A weekend just for us. But we will release the three remaining turtles on Saturday and then.... well most of you consenting adults knows what comes next. Have a great weekend all. I know I'm going to make the best of mine.