Lost In A Small PA Town
Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.
About Me
- Name: DLaine
- Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA
Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Do you have a name for that?
Men and women all over the world have names for certain objects like their: car, truck, boat, lawn mower and even their significant other and some personal body parts. Like my mower is the Red Beast. My truck is The Gussler. My ex is the Goner. My Lover is Honey and one of his body parts is Butch. And my name is Sweetie and I have Fluffy who is visited by Butch on occasion. So Bloggers what do you call your car, truck and etc.? Let me know by posting or e-mail. Have a good weekend....
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Counting down the days..
In two weeks my friend is flying in from Denver. We haven't seen each other in five years or so.
We keep in touch via e-mail and phone calls. Last year my friend had plans of visiting and seeing her two sisters for her long awaited vacation. But suddenly she became very ill. It started with a headache, and for all the years I've known her she never had one. She usually teased me when I'd get a sinus headache or a migraine. Anyhow it progressed towards evening into violent pain in her head and short blackouts. Her boyfriend called an ambulance and took her to a small hospital close by their home. Her pain was getting worst and at this hospital no one had looked at her for almost an hour so the boyfriend who usually doesn't leave off steam got really pissed and called the ambulance again and had her taken to Denver's major hospital. At which the time of arrival of my friend a small army of medical staff took over. They found she was having a brain aneurysm; she was wisked off to surgery and placed into a coma for 14 days to heal after removal. She did have some problems afterwards with her speech and her right arm and her right eye. But with intense therapy for two and a half months she made a 95% recovery. She has returned to work, with no overtime now and has to be on alert for any symptoms. You see she has another small aneurysm deep in her brain that may or may not grow, the doctors can't say for sure what or when anything would happen. So she lives with monthly brain scans and cat scans. But she's here and she's alive and with the ok from the doc's she's ready to fly again. Now all I wish is the two weeks fly by.
As for me, I'm crying about having my tooth pulled. Which took over an hour, yesterday because the shots (9 total) wouldn't take, because the tooth was still abcessed. But finally after the dentist massaged my jaw to stimulate the nerves to open, he yanked it out. Today my jaw bone hurts really bad. If it doesn't ease up by tomorrow I'll have to call him. Bone infections can be bad. Take care all, till next time.
We keep in touch via e-mail and phone calls. Last year my friend had plans of visiting and seeing her two sisters for her long awaited vacation. But suddenly she became very ill. It started with a headache, and for all the years I've known her she never had one. She usually teased me when I'd get a sinus headache or a migraine. Anyhow it progressed towards evening into violent pain in her head and short blackouts. Her boyfriend called an ambulance and took her to a small hospital close by their home. Her pain was getting worst and at this hospital no one had looked at her for almost an hour so the boyfriend who usually doesn't leave off steam got really pissed and called the ambulance again and had her taken to Denver's major hospital. At which the time of arrival of my friend a small army of medical staff took over. They found she was having a brain aneurysm; she was wisked off to surgery and placed into a coma for 14 days to heal after removal. She did have some problems afterwards with her speech and her right arm and her right eye. But with intense therapy for two and a half months she made a 95% recovery. She has returned to work, with no overtime now and has to be on alert for any symptoms. You see she has another small aneurysm deep in her brain that may or may not grow, the doctors can't say for sure what or when anything would happen. So she lives with monthly brain scans and cat scans. But she's here and she's alive and with the ok from the doc's she's ready to fly again. Now all I wish is the two weeks fly by.
As for me, I'm crying about having my tooth pulled. Which took over an hour, yesterday because the shots (9 total) wouldn't take, because the tooth was still abcessed. But finally after the dentist massaged my jaw to stimulate the nerves to open, he yanked it out. Today my jaw bone hurts really bad. If it doesn't ease up by tomorrow I'll have to call him. Bone infections can be bad. Take care all, till next time.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Its been a long week
The old tale about deaths come in threes. For me it has proven true. This week two more people have died that I have known for years. One I had known from my early childhood he was 86, and the other from my teen years, he was 78. The 78 year old man that died, worked with my father in the coal mines. So dad and I visited tonight at the funeral home. Dad has been doing good; but lonely. He calls me no less than 5 times a day, even when he just has seen me not more than an hour ago. If I don't pick up the land phone, he calls the cell. And if I don't get back to him right away, he keeps right on calling. This bugs me to no end. I can't go to the bathroom unless I take a phone with me. So its already Thursday; crap you see what time it is? Oh my its 1:50am; I better get to bed, I get to go to the dentist for a tooth pulling later...I just can't wait!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Return to normal...
If there was any normal in my family. With the death of my step-mother last Thursday and her burial on Saturday things are starting to settle down. Family from both sides came and some long lost family members and neighbors. Its a shame that you only see them when someone dies. Like on my fathers side. He only has two brothers left. And when they get together its like a screaming match; because they're all hard of hearing. When you sit back and listen, one is saying one thing, the other is answering in a totally off the subject response, and the third is looking for someone to decifer whats going on. So for now my father is lost, time wise. Since he spend most of his waking hours with my step-mother at the nursing home, what else can he fill his time with? Fishing, maybe golf (not good for his rupture) I have no clue. He's really good at bitching about the government and what other people do. So what can an 82 year old man, with many years of bitterness do? He won't go to a senior center for activities, or join the Y. And for sure I'm not going to put up with him starting to date again. You see I've learned over the years that my father cannot be alone! He'll be looking and I'll be hearing all about it. EW!! I don't need to hear about my dad
eyeballing some seventy year old. I went through that when he starting seeing my step-mother. As for now dad just needs some time to pause and remember the good times that he shared with his second love. Move ahead at a slow pace and enjoy the years he has left.
eyeballing some seventy year old. I went through that when he starting seeing my step-mother. As for now dad just needs some time to pause and remember the good times that he shared with his second love. Move ahead at a slow pace and enjoy the years he has left.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
When the phone rings early its...
At 5:30am today the phone rings. You all know when the phone rings that early; it can only be bad.
It was my dad saying that my step-mother had passed away at the nursing home. They had been married nine years. My step-mother had spent the last 4 years withering away with Alzheimer and Parkinsons. At one time she was head nurse in the maternity ward in the local hospital. She was there when I gave birth to both of my children. She had three children from her first marriage and her daughter did make it up to be with her mother when she passed. Before the diseases took over her body completely she enjoyed walking everyday through this little town and stopping to chat with the neighbors that sat on their front porches. Often times she never made it more than a half mile, because of the chatting. My days to come will be trying to comfort the ones she left behind.
I know it was best that she passed on; and so does Dad. My step-mother can now walk hand in hand with the Lord. Rest peacefully; till we meet again..Love DLaine.
It was my dad saying that my step-mother had passed away at the nursing home. They had been married nine years. My step-mother had spent the last 4 years withering away with Alzheimer and Parkinsons. At one time she was head nurse in the maternity ward in the local hospital. She was there when I gave birth to both of my children. She had three children from her first marriage and her daughter did make it up to be with her mother when she passed. Before the diseases took over her body completely she enjoyed walking everyday through this little town and stopping to chat with the neighbors that sat on their front porches. Often times she never made it more than a half mile, because of the chatting. My days to come will be trying to comfort the ones she left behind.
I know it was best that she passed on; and so does Dad. My step-mother can now walk hand in hand with the Lord. Rest peacefully; till we meet again..Love DLaine.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Pictures of the old covered bridge that crossed Little Mahoning Creek at Nashville, PA. Very close to where the next picture was taken. I remember playing on the covered bridge. When a car came you moved to the side wall and stood on a beam that ran the length of the bridge. The whole bridge rattled and shook when the car drove through. 

Saturday, July 09, 2005
I guess the begging and pleading didn't get me anywhere. So what else is new? It doesn't work here at home either. Not much new in Dlaine's world. Same old crap. I have an urge to do something. No, not the mowing, not cleaning the house either. What to do? i've read all the blogs already, checked out Dennis, checked out the cams (been from PA to Alaska to the Panama Canal and toured the Great Lakes today) also checked that no one is reading me, just a hint. So what is there to do? Tomorrow is the Hoodlebug Festial in the town of Homer City, PA or maybe Hazen, PA big flea market, but thats tomorrow. I need something up for today! I'll figure something out. Since no one in blog land has any say. I do wish I had a touring bike, I'd lug it over to Yellow Creek Park and ride for awhile. Guess maybe I should look at garage sales for one...Anyhow its freezing in the house, I want to turn the heat up; but this afternoon I'd just have to turn the air on..so a blanket wrapped around me right now will have to do. Have a good Saturday people; bye for now.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I Wonder...
Often I wonder if the people that read my blog; like it or not? I don't get many responses (if any) and only when I beg (like now) does someone feel bad and leave a response. So you guys and gals start feeling bad and leave me a response. PLEASE!!! I'm begging you; good or bad!!! What do readers want? Sex, nude pics, boobs and etc... Or all these things at once? And yes I do have sex with the Lover; and I have nude pics and I even have rather large boobs! So what do you all want?
What we all woke up to
After a fitful night I wake up to find out the news of the world. That England had suffered a major bomb blast! Being glued to the tv and surfing the channels for two hours I decided that the world is no more safer than it was in 2001. Sure fences go up, and security is at an all time high around airports, state, and federal buildings, power plants! You name it and it has some type of security. Even the restrooms on I79 have security guards. What else can we do? Just pray we keep safe and pray for those that lived and died today.
Pics above are from the local Agway Store in Indiana, PA.
Pics above are from the local Agway Store in Indiana, PA.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Heads Up Indiana County!
Saturday night; long time area business in Clymer, PA went up in flames. Clymer Furniture (former Bence's) had been in business for 75 years. It was a family owned business run by the nicest, hard working American family. I have fond memories of going with my parents to look at furniture, appliances and lamps. As to which I have still to this day. My mothers favorite; a pie table and her Blue Hurricane Lamp. I even have a chest of drawers that was purchased back in the 50's with the Bence's label still attached underneath.
This fire left 5 people homeless (house next to furniture store) and ten people without jobs. The area news today stated that they will rebuild. Fire Marshall has ruled it a suspicious fire.
This area over the last two years have been hit hard with suspicious and arson fires. In June, 2005 just about 7 miles away the Heilwood Sportsman Club was hit by an arson! This sportsman club over the years have done numerous good things for the community; only to be reduced to ashes; litterly! Plus last week two vacant mobile homes in Indiana were set on fire in mobile home park...what's going on?
Who are these people? Have they nothing else to do than ruin someone's property and lives. Someone; somewhere has to know who these people are! Turn them in; because your family or home and business could be next. (God forbid) Be aware of your neighborhood and watch out for your neighbors. Don't be afraid to call the State Police if you see something suspicious. It's better to be safe than sorry; wouldn't you say!
This fire left 5 people homeless (house next to furniture store) and ten people without jobs. The area news today stated that they will rebuild. Fire Marshall has ruled it a suspicious fire.
This area over the last two years have been hit hard with suspicious and arson fires. In June, 2005 just about 7 miles away the Heilwood Sportsman Club was hit by an arson! This sportsman club over the years have done numerous good things for the community; only to be reduced to ashes; litterly! Plus last week two vacant mobile homes in Indiana were set on fire in mobile home park...what's going on?
Who are these people? Have they nothing else to do than ruin someone's property and lives. Someone; somewhere has to know who these people are! Turn them in; because your family or home and business could be next. (God forbid) Be aware of your neighborhood and watch out for your neighbors. Don't be afraid to call the State Police if you see something suspicious. It's better to be safe than sorry; wouldn't you say!
Monday, July 04, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Never saw this before..
Around six pm. the Lover decided to go pull those nasty weeds along the ponds. With it being so dry and these weeds are sucking the water up just as fast as the hot sun is. He spotted a turtle on the bank between the two ponds. He came and got me and our trusty camera.
This is my first time ever seeing a turtle lay eggs! Pictures below; click on the pic to enlarge. The whole experience was just AMAZING!!! Even though we were pretty close to her; she just kept right on agoing. After laying her eggs she back filled the hole. All of this in 38 minutes. Remember the ground is super hard. She had made mud by urinating and mixing with her back legs. Then moving in turtle motion she did her back fill and off into the smaller pond she went.
With some reading on the Painted Turtle I found out it will take 10-11 weeks for incubation; If prediators don't find the eggs first. Like raccoons, skunks, and oppossums. Just what we have every night visiting. So the Lover layed a steel plate with a cinder block on top so the eggs have a chance to hatch. Only time will tell. Please enjoy the pictures. Let me know what you think?
This is my first time ever seeing a turtle lay eggs! Pictures below; click on the pic to enlarge. The whole experience was just AMAZING!!! Even though we were pretty close to her; she just kept right on agoing. After laying her eggs she back filled the hole. All of this in 38 minutes. Remember the ground is super hard. She had made mud by urinating and mixing with her back legs. Then moving in turtle motion she did her back fill and off into the smaller pond she went.
With some reading on the Painted Turtle I found out it will take 10-11 weeks for incubation; If prediators don't find the eggs first. Like raccoons, skunks, and oppossums. Just what we have every night visiting. So the Lover layed a steel plate with a cinder block on top so the eggs have a chance to hatch. Only time will tell. Please enjoy the pictures. Let me know what you think?