Lost In A Small PA Town
Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.
About Me
- Name: DLaine
- Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA
Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Darn it!
I forgot how hard it is to work on cement all day. Even with sneakers on, and new cushionie socks my aging back hurt like HELL! I guess this is what happens when you take a three year break from working for a paycheck! Don't get me wrong, I worked at home but at my own pace. In my world I could sit when I wanted and I could have a cup of java and a smoke. But the outside has other ideas. Two ten minutes breaks (pee breaks) and a 1/2 hour lunch.(fifteen minutes to eat and 10 minutes to smoke and five minutes to pee) But hey; I got a job!!!! So I have 5 1/2 weeks of training to go, before I can set my ass down at a computer and be a data entry tech. By then my back should be in shape again. Bye for now....House is on and I can't miss him.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Tomorrow is the day. I'm starting my new job. So I'm ready; I think. I'm set on doing the best that I can do. Even though I'm nervous as hell. Now all I have to do is go in the morning. I have to go! No other choices...I'm on my own from here on out!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The truck ended upright after what I'm sure was a horrible experience. The guys that were there when I stopped to take the pic said the driver apparently fell asleep, (this happened Monday evening) woke up and cut the wheel sharply; then hit the guide rails, over the steep embankment he went( it doesn't look steep in the pic but take my word, it is! Go ahead and enlarge.) I'm not much good judging how far; but this driver must have ventured down about 40-50 feet, almost into Two Lick Creek below. Glad to say the driver is fine with multiple bruises and mighty stiff. The right side of truck had most of the damage. 

New Baby at Cleveland Zoo
Following links are about the new baby Rhino. The first link is the birth; some may choose not to watch; it shows the whole birthing. The others are of the baby rhino trying to walk and of mom.
Birth of baby rhino
Baby rhino struggles to walk
More baby rhino
Birth of baby rhino
Baby rhino struggles to walk
More baby rhino
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
I got a Job!
Just got the call. I'm going to give it try. Data entry for a company that supplies drugs to Nursing homes and Prisons all over the country. And I'll be having my first drug test on March 27th. The shift isn't want I wanted: 9:30am to 6:30pm but what the hey; I got a job again. Oh the pay; 1/2 of what I used to make. Sign of the times I guess. I've got to start somewhere again.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
If you enlarge the pic you can see a tufted titmouse that is resting after an encounter with one of the sunroom windows. He finally recovered after twenty minutes and took flight to the bushes out front. Everytime a bird hits the windows I think of the Windex commerical.You know the one with the birds all bandaged up, sitting on the wires. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
It came and went quickly
The thunderstorms came early this morning and woke me up. The windows rattled and I sat straight up in bed. Oh how I hate thunderstorms. More to come tonight and tomorrow. Then snow for the rest of the week. I thought spring was coming? I guess winter has to have the last blast.
While surfing the web today I came across a blog called View from the Sidewalk. Its about a man and his family that recently became homeless. Its eyeopening; it can happen to anyone. So here is the link: View From the Sidewalk
I miss my shadow (lover) terribly. Got to adjust better than I am. So tomorrow I hit the pavement again looking for that perfect job. I also hate Mondays!
While surfing the web today I came across a blog called View from the Sidewalk. Its about a man and his family that recently became homeless. Its eyeopening; it can happen to anyone. So here is the link: View From the Sidewalk
I miss my shadow (lover) terribly. Got to adjust better than I am. So tomorrow I hit the pavement again looking for that perfect job. I also hate Mondays!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The start of loneliness
Today started out like a living hell. It was the day that my lover departed my home. He felt he needed to return to his country above us. I've shed many tears this week and have had little sleep. Though he's been gone only one day so far; I miss him. To tell all; I'm a big baby when it comes to being by myself. Sure its nice to have a day or two to yourself but months! I'm the biggest baby when a thunderstorm hits during the night (daytime storms don't really bother me), must come from my childhood. I hide my head under the pillow, with the blanket on top of that. Insert the old ear plugs and shake in my jammies. (hey lover, what a time to leave me!) I turn the radio up louder even though I have the ear plugs in and hope its over soon. So lover, have I made you feel bad yet for leaving? You see all, I know he'll read this sooner of later. So my dear, I hope you take care of yourself and maybe miss me alittle.
Still no news of any jobs. So I'm going to be accessed at Career Links. They'll help me brush up on skills that I haven't used in a long time. You know when you've been out of the job market for almost three years things tend rust. Polishing helps, so I'm going to give it try!
Well I'm off to turn the flood lights on and check for critters and unwanted visitors. Load the gun and rest some, hopefully. So call before you come! I shoot first then ask questions later.
Still no news of any jobs. So I'm going to be accessed at Career Links. They'll help me brush up on skills that I haven't used in a long time. You know when you've been out of the job market for almost three years things tend rust. Polishing helps, so I'm going to give it try!
Well I'm off to turn the flood lights on and check for critters and unwanted visitors. Load the gun and rest some, hopefully. So call before you come! I shoot first then ask questions later.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Lessons on life that I missed.....
The Don'ts
Don't leave your job, unless you have another
Don't count on things to go right
Don't burn too many bridges; you might have too cross one someday.
Don't rely on other people to help
Don't leave people sway you away from dreams
Don't ever let yourself be used
Don't let your emotions get the best of you
Don't ever let anyone do you wrong
The Do's
I really need help with this!!!!
Don't leave your job, unless you have another
Don't count on things to go right
Don't burn too many bridges; you might have too cross one someday.
Don't rely on other people to help
Don't leave people sway you away from dreams
Don't ever let yourself be used
Don't let your emotions get the best of you
Don't ever let anyone do you wrong
The Do's
I really need help with this!!!!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Still no word..
Had my appointment, whoopity do! No call or letter yet from that long ago interview. Getting very frustrated that I can't find a decent job. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait some more.
I had a poor little Goldfinch crash into one of the sunroom window earlier. He was so dazed, he huddled on the ground recovering for more than an hour. Now, he somehow has gotten into the big feeder and is just sitting there. Not eating or moving. Hopefully he'll recover enough to fly into bushes out front to roost for the night. With all the time I have on my hands since I don't have a job; bird watching is one of my past times. Everyday like clockwork the Downey, Hairy and Red-Bellied woodpeckers show up. We also have a mutant Sapsucker that reminds me of a bishop, mostly its the perfect black cap on his head. Maybe he's Jewish and I should call it the Rabbi. Well I need a cup of Joe so I'm off....
I had a poor little Goldfinch crash into one of the sunroom window earlier. He was so dazed, he huddled on the ground recovering for more than an hour. Now, he somehow has gotten into the big feeder and is just sitting there. Not eating or moving. Hopefully he'll recover enough to fly into bushes out front to roost for the night. With all the time I have on my hands since I don't have a job; bird watching is one of my past times. Everyday like clockwork the Downey, Hairy and Red-Bellied woodpeckers show up. We also have a mutant Sapsucker that reminds me of a bishop, mostly its the perfect black cap on his head. Maybe he's Jewish and I should call it the Rabbi. Well I need a cup of Joe so I'm off....
Thanks to the Garbage Man (NOT)
I was enjoying my sleep when lo and behold those garbage guys Jake braked to stop! I swear they knew I was still in bed and dreaming whatever I was dreaming. So they thought that I needed to come back to real world. Oh how I hate those guys. They just made me think a week has gone by with no word from my interview last Monday. I'll probably get a letter in the mail today saying that I wasn't what they were looking for...Hell I'm not what I'm looking for! I've been kinda blue lately. But this too shall pass. Well I better start my day; I have an appointment later. Good Monday to all....