What A Week Ahead!!
This week will be busy. I finished packing for the 3-4 day trip to Canada. What we women need to pack to survive. Probably should take boots along-oh where do I put them at? I'm sure the truck will be packed with stuff that I won't need; but you never know..jumper cables, shovel, luggage, travel coffee pot and coffee creamer... I'm looking forward to the break, even though the lover has 4 appts. on Wed. and 1 on Thur. Just being someplace different for a while can break-up the ho-hums.
When we (I) get back Dad's move starts on Saturday...He'll be back in my space and bitching about the nursing home again. He was here yesterday and today with the same old stuff...How am I going to put up with this? I know put my foot down; its my home and he's the ....? What? My dad.. and I was raised to respect and listen to my elders...it may turn out that I'll spent some time in the garage and sheds rearranging the collective junk thats been there for thirty years or so!!!
I made room in each and every closet in the house last week. Made three trips to goodwill (a truckload each time) more to go when I get back. Found some things (they weren't Lost) that I hadn't seen in years and found somethings that I wish I hadn't found. Happier times when Lost in a Small Town didn't exist!! For now I'll just take one day at a time..and hope for happiness and good health to be had of all who lives here in my space............
What's your pet peeve?
My personal peeve is shopping in the Wal-Mart food section. Isn't there aisle etiquette? Aren't we to be using the highway rules or not. You know ; stay on the right only when passing. Don't leave your cart unattended in the middle of the aisle. And please don't tailgate!! My heels are killing me already from these shoes. I also blame Wal-mart for not making the aisles wide enough so you can pass down the middle without weaving from side to side. But the worst is when at the end of aisle they have a display and you can't get around it; because someone is trying to enter the aisle on your side. I know this is retail mumbo jumbo. When I worked in retail many a customer complained so we moved it. The boss didn't like; but then again he didn't deal too much with the customers in general. The only ones he dealt with are the one that went to the district manager and he personally had to handle those customers. I wonder if Wally- Mart is like this? So to all you shoppers that drive right in the grocery store; hats off to you.......and to those that don't.......instead of having road rage I have aisle rage..and I sincerely hope you don't drive on my aisle like that because you might not like what I say to you!
Just another day
..the lover was down abit...oh well I can't please everyone all the time..We go back to Canada on the 22nd for his check on his kidney (hehad a transplant in 2001) and all his other drs. appointments...Seems this is what I'm here for....I wonder when the bomb shell is going to drop? Valentines Day is coming..highly likely another forgotten day, like X-mas.....got to get my life in order!!! Wish I had a genie in a bottle as back up for whats to come...I wonder whats in store for me later in life if I don't get back on track? Oh well, what will be will be!!!!
Glad to be back home....
Glad to be back home again. Dad had to have a stint put in yesterday at AGH, it was a long and tiring day...for him and I. I decided to stay at Pittsburgh overnight and back-tracked to Harmorville and stayed at super8 instead of driving home....didn't want to travel back home...by myself at night..
years ago it won't have bothered me to drive the hour and half . For some reason I just wanted some me time...long hot bath; ordered dinner in and crashed....It felt good.
Found out I Hate rush hour traffic in Pitts. more and hate when it takes 2 hrs. to be released from the hospital.... But everything is fine and Dad didn't gripe too much about my driving going down..roads at 4am and snow covered I do slow for. Coming home was a differnent story...bare roads and following traffic (65-70-75) my right ear could hear..don't you think you should slow down....if I eased up on the gas I would have a car in the back seat....we got home safe and sound and all is well....
The only bad thing is: Dad can't have his surgery on Monday. It has to wait for 3 months, if possible.
If it can... we see the dr. in two weeks. Catch 22.......... Time to go..lover has supper ready....Yea!!!
Blah day

What would you change...
If you could go back and change something you did from years ago what would it be? I mean something that altered your life or something you said to a person that hurt them .....you know what I mean.... I myself would like to change alot of things; lately how my life has been.....I should be doing something about it ; instead of talking about it!!! So things are going to change, when my father comes to live with me again; new rules are going to be set: I know he's my father and I love him, but he can be so mean at times and complains more about trival matters than any woman I know. And this time he's going to listen to the doctors; no if and or buts!! He'll not hit me or cuss at me. The last time he hit me was when he was recovering from a major surgery and I said something to the visiting nurse; I was standing close to dad and all of a sudden ... Bam!!! on the floor I was. The nurse was just as shocked as I was......Well no matter that I'm a grown woman; I had had it by this time...so I lined up some in house care givers for 24 hrs care for a week and I left town.........need less to say when I got back; he didn't remember doing this to me and wanted to know why I had left!!!! He still denies it to this day.....But the nurse gave him a copy of the report; just to show him in black and white it was no lie....no appologies, no thanks for taking care of me....ever.. When at the end of 2003 he had another major surgery and he got an infection and I had to give IV meds twice a day to him; he kept pulling it out and said I was doing it wrong; So since he wouldn't listen I explained he was going into the nursing home where my step-mother is, he didn't like it but he went for 3 weeks until the infection was gone. Then back home with me. And so the cycle starts again....But this time I'll be ready!!!! The lover who knows...whats going to happen...
Tomorrow is the trip to AGH in Pittsburgh; we have to be there by 7am....oh joy; rush hour traffic and the weather men are calling for snow. Two hours of listening to my father gripe about my driving and tales about the nursing home where my step-mother is at. I know more about this place than the people that work there. I think the lover is right about him not going.........but another full day of stress for me.... Wish me luck!!!
Were Back!!
Just returned from the hospital. Dad has a blockage and we go to AGH in Pittsburgh this Thursday.
I'm exhausted; sitting and waiting around is harder than working a twelve hour day. Doctor still thinks he'll still be able to have surgery on Monday. But if a stint is required its a no go for a month or more.
I need to relax so I'm off to watch Trading Spouses.........
Pins and Needles Monday
Dad and I will be off to the hospital for his heart Cath. today. Scheduled for high noon. If it turns out ok were a go for major surgery next week. If they fine something wrong its AGH in Pittsburgh by tonight. Most of my life has been spent in the one hospital or another. With one of my parents or other family members. The hardest part is the waiting..........to see if things went well, and the results.
It seems like the doctors always make eye contact with me and not whomever is with me. Today it will be just me. The lover is staying at home....So the wait will be even longer with no one with me.
I'll post later the results of my Pins and Needles day...............
Tomorrow is Groundhogs Day
On Feb 2, 2005 Punxsutawney Phil will emerge from his den on Gobbler's Knob at 7am in Punxsutawney, Pa. You can see his live prediction at: www.visitpa.com Check out Punx. Zoo cam too on same site...
I myself have never been on Gobbler's Knob when Phil is pulled from his den by the high member of the Inner Circle . Even though Punxsuawney is only a short drive away from home (30 miles) you have to be at the Knob before 4am. I like my warm surroundings; I'll just catch him on the webcam. Some twenty thousand people visit each year for Phils' prediction and you remember the movie...Goundhog Day...........Last year I went to the Celebration in the Park the day before. Visitors go wild; you can see Phil and his family through the window of the Library at the park. Ice sculptures and stuffed replicas of Phil, groundhog hats, you name it; they have it.... everywhere. Good for the town and everyone is happy until Phil's prediction..........six more weeks of winter or not?.............What's your prediction???? Mine is : He'll see his shadow , but Spring will come...sometime.