Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Monday, February 21, 2005

What A Week Ahead!!

This week will be busy. I finished packing for the 3-4 day trip to Canada. What we women need to pack to survive. Probably should take boots along-oh where do I put them at? I'm sure the truck will be packed with stuff that I won't need; but you never know..jumper cables, shovel, luggage, travel coffee pot and coffee creamer... I'm looking forward to the break, even though the lover has 4 appts. on Wed. and 1 on Thur. Just being someplace different for a while can break-up the ho-hums.
When we (I) get back Dad's move starts on Saturday...He'll be back in my space and bitching about the nursing home again. He was here yesterday and today with the same old stuff...How am I going to put up with this? I know put my foot down; its my home and he's the ....? What? My dad.. and I was raised to respect and listen to my elders...it may turn out that I'll spent some time in the garage and sheds rearranging the collective junk thats been there for thirty years or so!!!
I made room in each and every closet in the house last week. Made three trips to goodwill (a truckload each time) more to go when I get back. Found some things (they weren't Lost) that I hadn't seen in years and found somethings that I wish I hadn't found. Happier times when Lost in a Small Town didn't exist!! For now I'll just take one day at a time..and hope for happiness and good health to be had of all who lives here in my space............


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