It's a Wood Frog
One of favorite pictures
This Little guy stayed close to an old pine tree in the side yard this past summer. He was usually disturbed when we mowed. If only my prince would come!!!! My backyard is huge...I have 33 acres, two ponds, lots of trees and a gas well. The gas well is the best for the winter months...its free to the house. I'm really lucky to have it. Some of the neighbors use fuel oil and the cost really hurts them. I remember having a woodburner before we had the well drilled. Alot of work!!! I miss the steady heat...
The best part about my backyard is seeing the deer. The other night 6 does were in the yard at the apple trees; they forgot that they ate them all already. We have one yearling that browses when ever she feels like it. Morning, noon, night..For you bowhunters and rifle hunters there was an huge buck in rutting season and 5 others that visited the salt far to take a picture of them.. I almost took up hunting again! I'm sure that some lucky hunter has bragging rights to one of these deer. I'll post more later................

The best part about my backyard is seeing the deer. The other night 6 does were in the yard at the apple trees; they forgot that they ate them all already. We have one yearling that browses when ever she feels like it. Morning, noon, night..For you bowhunters and rifle hunters there was an huge buck in rutting season and 5 others that visited the salt far to take a picture of them.. I almost took up hunting again! I'm sure that some lucky hunter has bragging rights to one of these deer. I'll post more later................
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