Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Friday, February 11, 2005

Glad to be back home....

Glad to be back home again. Dad had to have a stint put in yesterday at AGH, it was a long and tiring day...for him and I. I decided to stay at Pittsburgh overnight and back-tracked to Harmorville and stayed at super8 instead of driving home....didn't want to travel back home...by myself at night..
years ago it won't have bothered me to drive the hour and half . For some reason I just wanted some me time...long hot bath; ordered dinner in and crashed....It felt good.
Found out I Hate rush hour traffic in Pitts. more and hate when it takes 2 hrs. to be released from the hospital.... But everything is fine and Dad didn't gripe too much about my driving going down..roads at 4am and snow covered I do slow for. Coming home was a differnent story...bare roads and following traffic (65-70-75) my right ear could hear..don't you think you should slow down....if I eased up on the gas I would have a car in the back seat....we got home safe and sound and all is well....
The only bad thing is: Dad can't have his surgery on Monday. It has to wait for 3 months, if possible.
If it can... we see the dr. in two weeks. Catch 22.......... Time to go..lover has supper ready....Yea!!!


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