Lost In A Small PA Town
Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.
About Me
- Name: DLaine
- Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA
Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..
Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Strange Day

So this Christmas was not one for the album book. I'll get over it like everything else in my life. Other strange things that happened today were: at two o'clock today a lone wet Raccoon was scurring around the yard, back and forth sniffing the ground. I let it live since it was Christmas. But tomorrow is another day, if its out in the daylight and within the range of the 22 its lights out for the raccoon. The other odd thing is the flying squirrels have returned. They have been mia for months. These little critters did bring a smile to my face, the first real smile of the day; oh why did it have to be at 11:45pm! Old pic of the flying squirrels.

Apparently this why I didn't get anything for Christmas. Or he thought I wasn't good enough. Anyway my day started late; I burnt the ham (I'll never buy a spirel again) the gravey was too saltly, so it ended in the garbage. At the dinner table I just wanted to scream. Tension; Lover never said one word to my Dad; even though Dad did speak first. So Thanks; My Christmas was ruined. No good memories of this Christmas for my old age. My back and my lungs hurt terribly and now the silent treatment can work both ways!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thats why they call it a Warning Label..
At my age you would think I should know better. It started this morning... I figured since my water softener isn't doing the job of taking the iron from the water that I had better take the stains out of the shower stall. So I opened the window and turned the exhaust fan on to take the fumes out. But me being sometimes the hardass I just wanted to get the job done. The fumes were getting so bad that I couldn't catch my breath. I ran outside to the cool air to try and ease my coughing and breathing. I couldn't stop gasping!!! No amount of cold water could stop the burning in my lungs and tubes. The tears were free flowing and the gasping for air while coughing was a sure sign that I stayed way too long in the bathroom. I found a inhaler that my doctor ordered for me two years ago when I had had bronchitis and I gave myself two puffs. It eased my tubes enough for me to breath a little better. It took almost an hour and a half for everything to quite down. Even now it hurts to breath. I'm sure I burned my lungs some and its a little hard to carry on a conversation with the Lover. I got a sermon from him about my task. But hey, it needed done and no one else was going to do it. I did learn a lesson; the next time I'll just pull the shower curtain closed and say the hell with it!!! And I will follow the label and not mix two cleaning agents together again unless I have a gas mask on. (But the stuff really worked on the iron stains) So folks I'm going to have a silent night this night. It is Christmas Eve ya know.. Merry Christmas to All....
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm done with...
Shopping!!! Yea!!! Yippity doo dah!!! All will be over on Sunday. Still have some cookies to bake; but all will get done as usual. Just a quiet Christmas with Dad and the Lover. Today I met Dad in town for another doctors appointment. But I should have known not to let Dad make the appointment. We got there ten minutes before the appt. and the office was empty. Quick in; quick out right? Not at all; Dad's appt. is for tomorrow. So another trip into town. Traffic today was bad enough; what's tomorrow going to be like? The crazy are out in full force; nearly got clipped by a blue haired little old lady who drove with eyes forward. She never even turned her head after the constant blast from my horn; just kept right on going. Poor Dad; I thought his foot was going to go through the floor board and I found out that my seat belts work when you slam on the brakes. The quick snap make me a little straighter in the seat. I wonder how long my luck is going to last? This last trip North had some hairy situations and those were in big cities with larger populations and known crazy drivers. But in old, itty bitty little Indiana, PA where all the college students have left for home it shoudn't be! Hey all; take care out there, bye for now....
Monday, December 19, 2005
Click the pic. Another gas well being drilled with in two miles of home. Just two weeks ago one went in about a mile from home. With promise of two more. Sure wish they would come my way again. Made no mistake; I'm grateful that I don't have to pay for my heat! But a gas well just for royalties would put icing on the cake. 

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Since we spend most of our time in the sun-room and my house is cluttered with stuff as the lover calls it, I call it collectors fever. I have no room for another tree. So this Norfolk Pine is playing the part this year; as it has done for the last three. Even though its leaning a little and not a traditional Christmas tree I like it! And thats all that counts, right? 

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Good Morning...
Ok, I did find the manual and guess what it said? If light stays on: your anti-lock brake device is not working properly but you do have regular braking. Yea; I knew that. If light stays on: you need to see your ford service center. Yea: I knew that too. But what they didn't say is why did it go out after turning said vehicle off and restarting with no light on. The only thing I can figure out is: the both times the light came on was when I was spinning in the snow (which had ice underneath) or the sensor is going. If it happens again, I'll sent an e-mail to their ask the experts.
Anyhow, Saturday morning we departed around 11am homebound. Border questions were the usually. Drivers country and passenger country. How long was I in Canada? If I had anything to claim? How long is the lover staying in the States? Thank goodness the one question I hate is How did you meet? Where? How long have you known lover? The only question they don't ask is:How often do you have sex? All questions answered they gave the ok to pass into the States. Then it was onto Buffalo thru-way. Pay tolls and pray that traffic isn't crazy. Crazy I mean by the way of traffic weavers. NY and Ontario drivers are so impatience. They drive up to a pack of cars and try weaving throught cars to get ahead. All you see is brake lights in the pack. The weaver goes from the third lane to center to the first lane then repeats in reverse. What could be so important? The early bird specials are over by 12pm. The 22 miles on these interstate thru-ways are my nightmare of the trip or so I thought.
The drive thru snow country was pretty; you could see the ants coming down the slopes and the ski lift which was full heading for its drop off at the top. The closest I've come to skiing is slipping on ice; I guess you say that I was ice skating; never did the real thing in that either. Ah, the sheltered life. Then onto Salamanca. While patiently waiting for my turn to get gas (3rd at pump) The dickhead in the middle truck returned to his vehicle. He paid the attentdant and got in. Dick head started his truck; I'm ok with that. Whats not ok is that dickhead decides he can't wait for the attendant to put the gas cap back on the first truck so he can leave in an orderly fashion. I'm about two feet from dickheads bumper awaiting my turn at the first pump and he's about touching the first truck bumper. This doesn't give him much room for an exit around the first guy. Dickhead puts his truck in reverse, doesn't look behind him; I blow my horn and I throw the ford in reverse, check my mirror and move! The dickhead barely misses me and almost scrapes the first truck. Then said dickhead pulls out in front of a car on the main road; causing that driver to slam on his brakes. The attentdant said to me as I got out of the truck. "That sure was a close call; you're lucky that you backed up in time." This litterly pissed me off so I had to visit the ladies room while he fill the tank and I emptied mine. Then we went up the road for a quick stop at the casino so the lover could stretch his legs. And I could relax with Kenny Rodgers. He even paid me $75.30 to sit a spell with him. I do know how to hold'em and when to fold'em. After an hour of the lover stretching his legs we headed again for home.
The sunset was awesome...Pinks, reds and purple. Coming thru the mountains from Bradford to Ridgeway the lover snored in the passenger seat and I with my eagle eyes kept on the lookout for deer. Its end of rifle season in PA and those last minute hunters were out in full force. ( it reminded me of retail days and the rush on Christmas eve when the men have no more time to shop and they try to find the perfect gift ten minutes before closing) Oh the lover did arouse when we hit Stinky town; his smell senses work fine. Maybe I should bottle the smell for home use? By this time I need coffee; the eagle eye is getting droopy. We stop at Sheetz in Ridgeway for another bladder drop and a much needed coffee and donut break. Quite afew hunters doing the same thing. That last minute hunt trudging thru knee deep snow and make a man thirsty. One elderly gent approached the lover and asked if he was a game warden? Wonder want made him ask the live-in that? The lover said "He wish he was; but fested up that he was Canadian and just driving thru." Onward we go.
Near Marion Center and I being the lead car (I hate being the lead car) doing the posted speed limit of 55 the head lights pick up brown in the middle of the road. I being in the lead check the rear view mirror and apply my brakes to stop so brown could cross. Three brown females made it thru to the last day and I still had both bumpers intact. We got home at 6:05 safe and sound and had to use four wheel drive to get to the garage. Unload the luggage (lover's joy) and I make a bee line to the loo and onward to the coffee maker. Most of the evening was spent in a repentive motion. Its lunch time Sunday and I guess I better get ready to pick the turtles up at dads. Bye for now....
Anyhow, Saturday morning we departed around 11am homebound. Border questions were the usually. Drivers country and passenger country. How long was I in Canada? If I had anything to claim? How long is the lover staying in the States? Thank goodness the one question I hate is How did you meet? Where? How long have you known lover? The only question they don't ask is:How often do you have sex? All questions answered they gave the ok to pass into the States. Then it was onto Buffalo thru-way. Pay tolls and pray that traffic isn't crazy. Crazy I mean by the way of traffic weavers. NY and Ontario drivers are so impatience. They drive up to a pack of cars and try weaving throught cars to get ahead. All you see is brake lights in the pack. The weaver goes from the third lane to center to the first lane then repeats in reverse. What could be so important? The early bird specials are over by 12pm. The 22 miles on these interstate thru-ways are my nightmare of the trip or so I thought.
The drive thru snow country was pretty; you could see the ants coming down the slopes and the ski lift which was full heading for its drop off at the top. The closest I've come to skiing is slipping on ice; I guess you say that I was ice skating; never did the real thing in that either. Ah, the sheltered life. Then onto Salamanca. While patiently waiting for my turn to get gas (3rd at pump) The dickhead in the middle truck returned to his vehicle. He paid the attentdant and got in. Dick head started his truck; I'm ok with that. Whats not ok is that dickhead decides he can't wait for the attendant to put the gas cap back on the first truck so he can leave in an orderly fashion. I'm about two feet from dickheads bumper awaiting my turn at the first pump and he's about touching the first truck bumper. This doesn't give him much room for an exit around the first guy. Dickhead puts his truck in reverse, doesn't look behind him; I blow my horn and I throw the ford in reverse, check my mirror and move! The dickhead barely misses me and almost scrapes the first truck. Then said dickhead pulls out in front of a car on the main road; causing that driver to slam on his brakes. The attentdant said to me as I got out of the truck. "That sure was a close call; you're lucky that you backed up in time." This litterly pissed me off so I had to visit the ladies room while he fill the tank and I emptied mine. Then we went up the road for a quick stop at the casino so the lover could stretch his legs. And I could relax with Kenny Rodgers. He even paid me $75.30 to sit a spell with him. I do know how to hold'em and when to fold'em. After an hour of the lover stretching his legs we headed again for home.
The sunset was awesome...Pinks, reds and purple. Coming thru the mountains from Bradford to Ridgeway the lover snored in the passenger seat and I with my eagle eyes kept on the lookout for deer. Its end of rifle season in PA and those last minute hunters were out in full force. ( it reminded me of retail days and the rush on Christmas eve when the men have no more time to shop and they try to find the perfect gift ten minutes before closing) Oh the lover did arouse when we hit Stinky town; his smell senses work fine. Maybe I should bottle the smell for home use? By this time I need coffee; the eagle eye is getting droopy. We stop at Sheetz in Ridgeway for another bladder drop and a much needed coffee and donut break. Quite afew hunters doing the same thing. That last minute hunt trudging thru knee deep snow and make a man thirsty. One elderly gent approached the lover and asked if he was a game warden? Wonder want made him ask the live-in that? The lover said "He wish he was; but fested up that he was Canadian and just driving thru." Onward we go.
Near Marion Center and I being the lead car (I hate being the lead car) doing the posted speed limit of 55 the head lights pick up brown in the middle of the road. I being in the lead check the rear view mirror and apply my brakes to stop so brown could cross. Three brown females made it thru to the last day and I still had both bumpers intact. We got home at 6:05 safe and sound and had to use four wheel drive to get to the garage. Unload the luggage (lover's joy) and I make a bee line to the loo and onward to the coffee maker. Most of the evening was spent in a repentive motion. Its lunch time Sunday and I guess I better get ready to pick the turtles up at dads. Bye for now....
Made it back..

Once again we made the trek north and came home without major incidents. We had some close calls along the way home though. When we left here on Thrusday morning the temp was 7 degrees above zero. And for most of the morning the drive was absolutely beautiful. The sun was coming up and shining on frosty trees; it looked like a Chrismas wonderland. The ski slopes were open for business in Ellicottville, NY and the roads were bare. We crossed over around 4pm after a stop in Niagara Falls, NY to eat and hit the slots. Thrusday night the snow hit Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada. The mist from the falls mixed with snow made for a very icy drive. But we drive thru the park beside the falls to see the Christmas Lights . Canada does have it together; the lighting was awesome! Friday's start was snowy and an idiot's light (ABS) on the dash came on. Me being a somewhat idiot is aware that when a light comes on that wasn't there before could pose a problem. But when you're on the QEW the light can wait til you exit. Now we all know that an owner's manual comes in handy for what this light could mean. But my Ford ranger didn't come with a manual; its posted on the internet which was not at my disposal at the time. The net or the manual would have to wait. Looked for a Ford dealership; but couldn't find one. So the idiot light would have to just stay on. We got to our destination and turned off the engine. Did our business and fired up the ford and the light went off. Still don't know why; guess I better look at Ford's website and look at the manual since were home now and I have access to a computer. I'll finish this post later today and its late. And while it fresh in my memory I'm going to look for my manual on line....bye for now.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I'm ready and packed for the morning take off North. Hopefully we'll beat the snow storm that's headed for the area. The good people at WPXI TV send me my requested storm updates via e-mail when ever the national weather bureau sends them one. So I think if I leave at 7am tomorrow I should be crossing the border around 1pm well before the white stuff hits the ground. My only concern is the trip home on Saturday. I travel Hwy 219 both ways. Up North then South home. Bootjack Mountain near Ridgeway and the mountain at Lantz Corner are usually the worst. So wish me luck and safe travels too and fro. (I just hate white knuckle driving.)
Monday, December 05, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Holiday Blues
Feeling Blue and fighting a stomach virus at the same time. Just want to crawl under a big blanket and sleep thru the holidays. Dad and the lover are both scrooges at the holidays. So with me being in the middle my ground is falling away fast. My children are not planning on visiting this year. So this leaves me here with the scrooges...BAH Humbug!!! Gone are the years of my house filled excited and sleepy children; gone are days that my table is filled with family. I'm becoming one of them....