Lost In A Small PA Town
Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.
About Me
- Name: DLaine
- Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA
Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Opening Day of Buck Season
In the wee hours of opening day; (1am to be exact) outside stood a young buck eating apples. All alone, he's one of the lucky ones that well survive. Not big enough to shoot; under three points and kind of puny, but still a buck. He browsed around for awhile then he was off to places unknown. I wonder if he knows just how lucky he is to have a small rack on opening day?
Saturday, November 26, 2005
The Human Billboards Of K-Mart
Both pictures were taken at different locations. The person in red was posted on the outskirt of the Indiana Mall in Indiana, PA. The other poor soul was about about a half mile away. Would
the Giants (the people behind desk) of Retail go out and stand along the highway for that almighty dollar. I think not. I'm just glad I didn't go after the big holiday sales yesterday. Because if I would have seen these workers out on that bitter cold day I would have went right to the store manager and complain. But I saw them today and I think its tacky. So K-Mart I didn't shop today even though there were a few items that I wanted. I can do without what you had advertised in your circular and I saved some money.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Someone has put a tree stand on my property without permission. Not to far from my poster that reads: Private property: Hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing for any purpose is strictly forbidden, Violators will be prosecuted. What really has me upset is? Why doesn't this hunter call and ask me to hunt its not that my name and phone number isn't on the posters. Chances are I probably would have let them. The ex was an avid hunter and I hunted for a couple of years. Never did I go on someone elses property without asking the land owner. So what should I do? Trash it, leave a note or venture out on the first day of buck season and confront the hunter. Or inform the game warden of this? Or just let it be. As a landowner I would like the respect of the hunter. I pay the taxes and its mine, not theirs. Whats you opinion? Deer Season opens on Monday here in PA.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Wednesday it was 70 degrees; Thursday day dropped to 30 degrees and now at 1:26am Friday its 16 degrees out there. Thank god I have free gas..... the house is at 75 degrees...shameful I know; but its the only free thing I have and I'm enjoying it. Keep warm all..
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Folks I really don't mind seeing one peppy in the yard; but not three! Two (or should I say one) now looks like this one. The other is the new breed. The one that could fool a city folker. This odd one is black as night with a hint of white on the tip of its tail. The one that met it demise tonight is awaiting to be disposed of in the morning. He's bagged and ready to become part of the food chain for the vultures that been hanging around. I call this recycling for nature. I have only one piece of advice for all you bloggers out there. Don't try this or do this. I learned the hard way. They smell for a reason! I can still taste that smell and I can still smell that smell. And last but not least; thank god I don't have any neighbors that could smell this smell thats probably going to hang around till the next rain or snow covers the ground. Yes sirre folks, I learned my lesson.