Someone has put a tree stand on my property without permission. Not to far from my poster that reads: Private property: Hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing for any purpose is strictly forbidden, Violators will be prosecuted. What really has me upset is? Why doesn't this hunter call and ask me to hunt its not that my name and phone number isn't on the posters. Chances are I probably would have let them. The ex was an avid hunter and I hunted for a couple of years. Never did I go on someone elses property without asking the land owner. So what should I do? Trash it, leave a note or venture out on the first day of buck season and confront the hunter. Or inform the game warden of this? Or just let it be. As a landowner I would like the respect of the hunter. I pay the taxes and its mine, not theirs. Whats you opinion? Deer Season opens on Monday here in PA. 

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