I did my part; I worked 7am to 12pm for alittle extra cash in next pay; or should I say to pay for tax deductions. Anyho only about 10 people worked so it was kinda of relaxing. No rush to get things out, because we were working on tomorrows scripts. After work I headed to Wally marts, what's a Holiday if you don't make a quick stop in there. Creamer was tops on my list and some frozen food thingies for supper and the usual stuff that wasn't on the list. One stop and -$40 bucks I finally headed home. Noticed gas is down to $2.69 a gallon for regular, hope it keeps on dropping. After getting home I fixed myself a hot dog and labored on over to the couch for 40 winks. Still quite chilly here; I've already had the furnace on to get the dampness out from Ernesto. He hung around for two days. I missed the Indiana Fair this past week; with work and rain I wasn't in the mood to slosh around in the mud, and anyhow its not much fun going by yourself.
This weekend has proven to be a sad one. First the Mayor of Pittsbugh (Bob O'Conner) passed away from brain cancer. I didn't know the man personally but from what I've followed in the papers since his winning the race for Mayor; he was a people person and started to turn Pittsburgh around in his 8 months as Mayor. Prayers go out to his wife and family.
Then yesterday local commissioner of Indiana County died in his sleep of natural causes at his daughter's home in the DC area. Bernie Smith was best known for being a local disc jocky on WDAD Radio station. Lastly; The Croc Hunter died today. This shocked me the most. How can someone this experienced be caught in a situation like this? He leaves behind a wife and two children. Well thats all I have, bye for now- Delaine