Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Bear!

Just put the suet out today too...but while he was here I opened the window and grabbed the finch bag off of the rope. The smoke is from my cigarette..my bad.. go ahead and click to enlarge. The bear seemed skinny to me. Not much for them to eat yet; no berries or fruit. The bear just ate his last suet from me.

American Goldfinches Feasting

A day off so I decided to put the finch bag up; didn't them long to find it. Mowed some water today along with the grass. This past week has been rainy and cool, perfect for grass growing and dandelions. Off with their heads I say.... click on the pic anytime to see a larger version..

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Followers

See the one Bass with the Bluegill; day by warmer day my followers increase.....Can anyone of you say the same?

A Trout Lily among Skunk Cabbage

Quick walk this afternoon and I found one Trout Lily starting to bloom; later in the blooming stage it will look like a bell.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Turtles Out For Some Sun

While out this morning (first real warm day since early March) the sun was up and blue skies ( as you can see with the reflection on the water) made me smile...and to see the turtles basking on the little island in the pond....click to see...made for a good day. Did the first mow of the yard for the year and got my hair styled. What more can you ask for? Well I have some thoughts but they don't count....Enjoy the day; tomorrow is to be even better....

Can you guess what this is?
Go and click to enlarge....
go ahead...

The above came from an animal that ate

a whole block of compressed finch feed that

was 8"x12"x2" big. Hint: Its big and black.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Day After

Hey yesterday was Easter in April, not December. Today as was yesterday I awoke to this. ..Snow.. .. and its still coming down. Easter day was uneventful...I did have the week-end off and I was an unsocialble hermit. Talked to the Canadian and my dad. Had a bologna and soup for my dinner and pretty much vegged! No high hopes are pending, nor am I looking forward! Seems I'm in a grand funk of somekind. Last week when the turtles were seen things were up...the sighting was an Aw! The Canadian surprised me by coming in for my birthday, which was nice. Ups and downs are running rampant within. My dad has had a super bad case of the Shingles on his face and in his right eye. The pain is overwhelming for him. The drugs that are to help with the pain is leaving him wacko. Plus leaving me in what the hell am I to do stage? I have to work to survive. Ends aren't meeting like they used to. Dad isn't any younger (soon to be 84 on 4/11) and being on these drugs aren't helping the situation. He's on Neurotin which seems to help, but the side-effects and how dad was taking his dosage has been a big problem. My dad which is hard of hearing and since having the shingles has become worst. Seeing out of his right eye is also a problem; he can't wear his glasses because the right arm touches his skin and his skin is ever so sensitive. So he was taking his meds three times a day. Not spaced every 8 hrs. but every 4 hours. This caused his side-effects to the meds and other wacko stuff. He said he didn't want to get up to take his nightly dose since he's usually in bed by 7:30pm. I finally told him to straighten up and be responsible for his own health by taking his meds right. Write it down on a piece of paper when you take it and what other pills you take and when then put the paper where you see it! Look at it often and take your next dose when you are suppose too. His doctors say the Shingles after affects can last months. Your nerve endings are irrated and sensitive to hot and cold. Making no happy medium....no wonder the old wives tale is that Shingles can kill. It drives you batty...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Turtle Sighting!

Today I gave myself a day to catch-up...while at home recovering from a self-made migraine. I spotted TURTLES! One big one (mom, or dad) then 4 of what I believe to be the one's we raised! I'm so happy to see 4 out of 7 (Doesn't take much to make me happy) have made it thru the winter. In the excitement of seeing them, with camera in hand, and a net I ever so carefully crepted towards the pond for a pic. I swear that the turtles had eyes in the back of their heads. They splashed back into the water. Waiting for danger to leave(that would be me) As I write this the biggest one is on the hump in the pond. I'm leaving them alone for now....but I will get a pic of one sooner of later. Sooner the better! I'm off to turtle watch...bye for now.