Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tread carefully...so the floor doesn't give you away

Having to tread carefully; trying not to wake anyone in the house you step onto a place in the flooring and the whole house knows that someone is heading for the computer..trying to be ever so careful..I'm caught again.. Crap my time is limited here..As to the Lover (good morning) How long before you checked to see if I updated? To my Father (good-bye and drive safely the roads are slick; see you later) and to all... Tread Carefully out there Today..I have to do something about this floor!
As I was about to publish this post the phone rang..when a phone rings at 6:30am in this house something is wrong, somewhere..The mother instinct kicked in..who can it be at this hour? Looked at caller ID and it was the Father..he's hung up in traffic on the way to the nursing home..where and why I ask? Out the road? Where out the road? The first dip..ok people, I travel the same roads as my Father and there's more than one dip in the roads around here. Finally asked just tell me where you're at? The first dip to after the school..I know the place now..I ask if there's an accident ahead; I don't know he said. Must be over the crest of the hill. Then he said the traffic is starting to move and he hangs up. I don't dare call him back..an 82 yr. old man caught in traffic with a string of cars ahead and behind him he has to keep his mind on what he's doing and not answering his cell phone..I'll wait till he calls me back..From my experience.. ...I'm glad I'm not behind him on the road today..on a clear day if you're behind my father in a no passing zone you'll be late..he has his own speed limit..nothing over 45mph..Like I said Tread Carefully today.


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