Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I thought last Monday was cold...

Brrr...I need myArmstrong heater; but he's up North. The wind has not let up since yesterday and is to be the same thru Tues. COLD!!COLD!!!MORE COLD!!!! The wind chill is dangerous out there -20 to -30 below. I had the day off; thank goodness but tomorrow is another story. Had to dig up some long johns to wear under the scrubs...if you have ever worn scrubs there is not much to them. Very thin cotton; it's like wearing your top sheet off you bed; nothing to protect you from the elements.
I'm very thankful that the gas hasn't gone out at the well; with the cold and wind you just never know. Its murder to go down and pull the plunger out and get back to the house and relight the furnace, the heater in the sunroom and the hot water tank. But I've done it before and if I have to do it again I shall.
I guess I never did tell you all about my biopsies; my surgeon did find that I have Helicobacter Pylori short for H. pylon. Its a bacteria in the stomach that can cause ulcers and some other things. So I've been put on a regiment of Pre-pac for 14 days. 4 pills in the am and 4 in the evening; to be evenly spaced by 12 hours. They make your mouth taste like metal; burps are even worst. Hunger and ill tempered. After the regiment is finished and my pain with pressure after I eat comes back I'll have to have another upper GI scope and be treated internally. What Joy. I do feel better, really except for the taste thing. Before the gallbadder surgery all I thought about is what the dr would find. Cancer; bleeding ulcers; liver showing signs of distress. Family genics play a big part. Both parents have and had cancer, grandparents the same and heart problems run amuck in family. But I guess I'll be around for sometime yet...
So I'm off now to make my own supper....until later...keep warm.


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