Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Feeling much better after 2 extra-strength tylenol - 2 asprins -2 cups coffee and an ice tea. Just have a dull ache in the back of my head for now. The shooting pains are gone from the eyes and I'm not holding my head as if it was going to explode. This all started after we were down at the pond raking cat-of- nine tails out of the water. Last summer they started taking over parts of the pond; its good cover for the frogs,bass, bluegills and the carp (who is a monster). But they've taken up a good chuck of water. When I had ducks we never had the catties in the pond. So I put my name on the list for ducks/geese at the tractor supply store. I don't know how long they will survive with the red-tailed hawks and the pair of owls that we have around here; but well see I guess. The other ducks/geese survived almost two years; horned owl killed the female goose and the gander met an untimely death by my ex; he turned mean (the gander) he would attacked you when you were in the yard. The ducks wondered onto the road and they had mishaps with cars. So the new guys will be hopefully trained to go into a box at night and stay in the yard and not wonder whats on the other side of the road. Yea right. Last year the neighbors had 6 white ducks; who liked to visit us; eventually all but one were roadkill. The posted speed limit is 45 but we live on a straight away and no one follows 45 unless they're behind my dad. Well my eyes are starting to bother me so I'm calling it quits for tonight. Sleep tight everyone.


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