Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On the Q

Bar-b-que that is. We had chicken on the grill tonight; it tasted so good and I even baked a banana cake tonight. How's that for a completely boring Monday.. Father came home looking not so well; his eyes all teary and red with a runny nose. He says its not a cold; (like I don't know what a cold is, I raised two kids) but come on Dad your around the nursing home all day; aids and nurses that have kids at home that have colds and they bring the germ to work with them. Not to mention the different people that visit their loved ones and bring a virus in. I also said if he isn't better by tomorrow afternoon he's visiting his GP. I also tried to explain to him about being more careful around the step-mom; if she catches something she might not bounce back from it...and having the lover here with a kidney transplant we have to watch out also. My father has a bad habit of not using tissues; he uses a hanky. This just spreads his germs back to himself. He doesn't grasp this. Then I ask him to leave his drinking cups and whatever he uses in the sink; not the drain board with the clean dishes. I usually use alittle clorox in the dishwater when someone has a bug so it doesn't spread. I know he isn't feeling well and to bomb him with this may have sounded mean but we don't want to come down with what he has. Does anyone have a solutions to deal with this? It feels like I have a small child again. I seem to have so many down days that when I have a good one it ends up bad. I'm fighting depression; I know I'am. When I'm down the lover is down. I snap a him; or I just don't talk. I need a place to run away too for acouple of days; but I can't do that. I have responsibilities and I'm a adult but I would like to chuck it all and do something for me. (maybe its time I use my Whites metal detector that I purchased a year and half ago, used it twice so far: found a quarter, paid $500 for the detector; priceless huh!) Selfish I know; but whats the alternative? Maybe I need a new do; that usually helps..something short and sassy to fit my mood. This time change has me so messed up. Its 12:30am and I'm not tired. I hear dad coughing now; the lover is snoring and I'm putting in the earplugs and I'm going to surf for awhile..on the net that is. Bye for now..


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