Lost In A Small PA Town

Snippets of my life withOUT a live-in lover and her elderly father that just moved in.(again!)(Now it's out again, oh that revolving door!) Letting go of old feelings and seeking out new ones.

Location: Christmas Tree Capital, Western PA

Where being Lost takes on a whole new meaning..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

My aching head and back...

What I wouldn't give to have the perfect lawn. The kind you see in "Home and Garden" or the lush green, perfectly flat lawn pictured on the bag of Scott's. No, not I. I have the kind of lawn that jars your guts, old stone drains back from the late 1800"s that are shifting and causing indents; some deep. What you think is flat, soon becomes a sink hole. Then when the mower deck hits the side you take the sod off. Which you can't replace because the mower chewed it up into hunks. Then down by the pond the undermined trench of a Muskrat. This pesky little rodent, will not live long if I see it sunning itself on the banks. The front wheel of the tractor became stuck, and you know you have to rock it to get it out. Being a foot and a half from the ponds edge and pointed towards water I gently went forward, slammed the brake. Then gunned it in reverse. Still stuck. Shit, now I'm cussin the Muskrat. OK one more try. This time inching closer to the edge of the pond (praying that I don't go over) I slam the brake again. Saying a few Hail Marys and gripping the steering wheel I gun it. I'm out. I finish mowing around the pond and head over to the apple trees. Today is not my day folks. Did you ever get hit in the head by a falling apple? Well, once I can understand, not three times! So I finish chopping the apples with the mower (for the deer) and head inside for a shower. I grab a fresh cup of coffee and head to the back porch to admire my handiwork. Only to be greeted with thunder and lightening. Not fifteen minutes ago the sun was shining. I guess my Hail Marys were said in the wrong tone of voice. Saying a few more Hail Marys I head for the couch and pout. My head hurts and so does my back..Damn...What a day!


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