Scope Wednesday

Dad's scope wasn't like this, however it's
the only picture I could find on the great
web. We were in by 7am and home by
2pm. Doc took samples to see if cancer cells are
causing his problems. Takes about a week for results.
So we wait. Got home and I mowed. Four hours worth; after the 10 days of rain it needed to be cut. Guess what? Its to rain tomorrow and Friday again. Just my luck! Not much else is new. Last Friday night at 10:30pm I heard a thud outside the sunroom. I hurriedly turned the flood lights on and in front of one light a huge shadow was casted.
I grabbed the gun and inched toward the windows. A HUGE Black Bear was standing up a little dazed from falling out of the tree. Damn, I thought it was my ex and I could target practice! I tried to take a picture; but with the flood lights on, the camera only picked up his eyes. By the time I shut the lights off the bear wondered down to the pond. Out of range for a shot; by the camera not the gun. Then Sunday, I was graced by a Great Blue Heron who decided to visit and feast upon my fish. One Bass, one Catfish and a couple of frogs were the Heron's Sunday meal. This bird is amazing to watch eat. When the bass went down his throat, you could see his muscles spasm it down. (Watching with field glasses) Well that's my week so far. Now its work again tomorrow and the weekend for some extra cash.
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