Oh My Aching Back

It all started Friday evening... Took my shower around 8pm; exited the shower and dried off. Had jammie top on and undies. Then put the left sock on while standing then the right sock was to follow. But it didn't happen that way. My back gave out! It felt like it exploded! I fell to my knees, lucky I didn't hit anything on the way down. You know that saying "I have fallen and I can't get up." That was me. Pain engulfed me, like a hot poker in my lower back. So I just remained there for about 45 minutes. I knew I couldn't stay in the bathroom all night, so with me screaming I got up by the way of the throne. Every step was pure agony. The land phone was out and still is; because of storms and my cell was out of reach, plus it too needed charged. I finally made it to the couch in the livingroom. With great efffort I layed down, pain shooting through my back. Crying for help and no one to hear me. I stayed there until mother nature was calling to make it back to the bathroom. By this time the pressure in my lower back was so great I crawled to the bathroom to pee. Didn't make it! Then the new problem arose as to how to get clean undies and clean up my trail. It took me an hour to do it but I did. I crawled back to the couch until mother nature called again. By 8am in the morning I had finally reached the cell phone and called my dad for help. He came and helped me get dressed to go to the emergency room at the local hospital. At this point I didn't care how much it was going to cost me. My insurance doesn't come into effect until July 1st. So this is going to be a pay as I can visit. I could have kissed the dr that ordered a demerol shot in my right hip. The pain lessoned but was still about a 7 out of 10 (10 being the worst). So the dr ordered another shot for the left hip. It was Tramadol. Then finally drugged bliss! I was taken to x-rays to lay on a bed of nails, least that was what it felt to me to lay on a hard table. When that was over with I layed in wait for the results. The results: Severe Lumbar strain. Like I didn't it know already. I then was released with scripts for happy drugs. One being a muscle relaxer and the other for pain. Damn again my insurance doesn't take effect till July 1st. So my regular scheduled day off cost me more than what I make in a month. (probably more with the ER visit) No work on Monday for me; They want me to see my regular doctor on Monday. Like I'm going to get in on Monday, yea right! My doctor has a three week waiting period for a visit. Folks remember my Insurance doesn't take effect until July 1st. The way I figure the cost of all of this is:
ER visit: $1,000
X-rays: $500 (x-ray department not connected to hospital)
Doctor: $800 (she walked into the room 3 times)
Meds: $40
Misc: $600 (needles for shots and using open in the back gown, extra pillow)
My Dr: $0 (I don't plan on visiting him until my Insurance comes into effect!)
Total: $2940
So this will take years to payoff at $1o a month. Like the picture above; I'm using a cane to help ease the pain in my back when I walk. That's all for now folks. Me and my cane are going to take some happy drugs and get some more sleep. Amen to Drug Bliss.
Holy crap. I guess I have some catching up to do. Here's to no pain!
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